Digital Buyer Experiences

Create Customized Experiences That Buyers Crave

Deliver highly relevant digital experiences that both B2B sellers and buyers prefer.

Create Digital Buyer Experiences

Equip sellers with the tools to deliver a digital buying experience that drives sales.

Centralize Communications
Centralize Communications

Deliver relevant and convenient buying experiences with Allego’s Digital Sales Rooms.

Collaborate with Prospects
Collaborate with Prospects

Create a central hub where sellers and buyers can communicate, share content, and align.

Track Buyer Engagement
Track Buyer Engagement

Gain visibility into buyer intent and keep deals moving.

Centralize Communications

Delight buyers with a one-stop-shop for deal-related content
Share key content such as personalized video messages, meeting recordings, sales presentations, brochures, proposals, AR/VR content and more
Deliver the most relevant and convenient experience with curated marketing materials
how to improve sales vocabulary

Collaborate with Prospects

Add value, stay top of mind, and accelerate deals in pipeline
Collaborate with prospects via video and live chat
Guarantee secure and private access to deals in progress

Track Buyer Engagement

Eliminate guesswork with user-friendly analytics to help sellers understand buyer engagement
Prioritize follow-up activity with real-time notifications and prospect engagement dashboards
Track content access and unlock buyer engagement with AI recommendations

See how teams are using Allego to make an impact

Being able to build relationships with buyers when you can’t be together is critical. Digital Sales Rooms allow our reps to share information, including intro videos from the Veritas team, product information, pricing, demos, and more, all in one place so prospects and customers don’t have to weed through emails to find what they need.

Matt Miersen Senior Manager, Global Sales Enablemen / Veritas

Anyone can write a thank-you note, but when we send a video, we make a memory for those people. That builds a relationship faster than anything else that we can do.

Mike McGlothlin Executive Vice President of Retirement / Ash Brokerage

See Allego in Action

See how you can engage digital buyers with the intuitive, AI-driven platform built for hybrid teams.

See a Demo